Saanich recognizes environmental champions in 19th annual Environmental Awards

Saanich, BC – Last night, Councillor Leif Wergeland, Chair of the Saanich Environment and Natural Areas Advisory Committee, presented Saanich Environmental Awards to several well-deserving members of the community.

“Saanich appreciates the community’s assistance in submitting nominations for the 19th year of the Saanich Environmental Awards,” said Councillor Wergeland. “These awards are a great opportunity to recognize the many deserving individuals and organizations that play a vital role in protecting the natural environment throughout the District. Protecting our natural environment is essential to maintaining the balance, wellbeing and livability of Saanich’s many diverse communities and neighbourhoods.”

An award was presented in the “Youth” category to: Charlotte Brady, Anastasia Castro, Grace Poole.

“Youth award winners Charlotte Brady, Anastasia Castro and Grace Poole, were honoured for their achievements and tireless efforts to raise awareness and advocate for banning single-use plastic bags. Over the last 4 years, these students have made presentations and attended Council meetings in the region, led a petition, have spoken publicly about the dangers of plastics and micro-plastics in our oceans and have worked on beach clean-ups with the Surfrider Foundation. The results of their efforts so far have included the adoption of a new bylaw and strategy in the City of Victoria, interest in the initiative around the region and of note, Anastasia was a winner of a National Science fair for her project on plastics. These students have presented to the Saanich Environment and Natural Areas Committee and Saanich Council. They recently spoke to the Vancouver City Council about their efforts in this region, met with the Provincial Environment Minister and are coordinating with two local MPs on a national strategy.”