A Generation With A Mission

Be The Change You Wish To See

Kids Changing The World

Take Action

Ready to create change and protect your future? Here our some great action items to channel that passion.

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The Plastic Problem

Why is it so important to ban single-use plastic products?

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Educational tools for students and teachers for the classroom.

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Latest News

BC Medal of Good Citizenship Award

Charlotte and Anastasia were awarded the BC Medal of Good Citizenship on Jan 20th 2020 for their work on reducing the use of single use plastics in BC. They are the only teenagers so far…

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Kids for a Plastic Free Canada: Youth Champions

Since December of 2018, Kids for a Plastic Free Canada has grown from a small organization to a multi-grade youth coalition working determinedly with their municipal and provincial representatives on concrete plans for change. Prominent…

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Island Voices: B.C. must act now on single-use plastics

We two high school students founded Kids for a Plastic-Free Canada — because plastic trash imperils our birthright and clouds our future. We now call on Premier John Horgan to take immediate action to protect…

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