A year to become a zero waste school?

Before you start

Show some inspirational videos to the school:

Getting started

1. Garbage audit/action

  • Make a note of all the garbage and single-use plastic items you use throughout the day that are simply thrown away. You can create a tally chart to record the number and types of items.
  • Take a quick look in your trash bin and see what is in there, or write down items before you throw them away – a tally chart next to the bin may be useful for this.
  • As the week progresses, keep track of the garbage and single-use plastic items you use. You could also tally up the numbers of each item you use.
  • Now choose 3 things that the class would like to work on reducing based on what is consistently found in the garbage cans.
  • Brainstorm ideas on how to eliminate this waste- alternatives, pros and cons.
  • Set a realistic timeline one month for example. Then at the end of the month do a check of the garbage cans to see if the items have been eliminated. Keep a visual tally of this in the classroom.
  • move onto the next 3 items to be eliminated or drastically reduced.

2. Water/Beverages
Make sure that you have water fountains, and/or water bottle refill stations. Offering reusable water bottles with the school logo would be a great giveaway or fundraiser.

3. Making lunch bags
Collect used fabrics, or use plastic bag fabric (a way of using what we already have). Could even be sold at a garage sale event as a school fundraiser.

4. Community projects
Outdoor projects are great for engagement. For example: removing invasive species of plants, beach cleanups, a school garden, worm composters, etc.

5. Recycling Education
The proper way/items to recycle. Make sure everyone understands this is a last resort.